If you are having any trouble with booking online please don't hesitate to contact us for assistance

How To Register & Book

To ensure that you have a confirmed spot to our sessions you will need to book prior using our mobile app before attending your desired class. Below are details on how this is done.

  1. Download the Competitive Boxing & Fitness App

  2. Open the app on your device and you will arrive at the Login menu,
    Select “Setup New User

  3. Enter the same email address you have provided us on the form completed on our website.

  4. Our system will now send you through a verification code to your email of which you then enter into the app to verify it is you.

  5. Set your password and your login is complete.

You can now “Book” your desired classes in our app and reserve your spot.


Download our app!

The app easily allows you to keep on top of your workout schedule, and your memberships, view timetables, book into classes and much more all from one app!


Important Considerations

  • CASUAL/FIRST-TIME MEMBERS: If you have no available credits or active membership on your account, you will be directed to our casual class options, where you can purchase a single visit or 10 Class Pass. (If you purchase a 10-class pass for the first time, be sure to let us know so we can set you up with a key tag). 
  • CAPPED CLASSES: Classes are capped to 20 participants (12 for Lift). Should you need to cancel a booking you have a confirmed reserved spot for, please complete the above steps; however, this time, “Remove Booking” so the next available can attend the session.
  • CHANGING SESSIONS: You can change/remove your booking up to 30min before class is scheduled to start and can book into any class up to 10min before the class begins. 
  • WAITLISTING: If we have all 20 slots booked in a class at the time you wish to attend, you will be waitlisted.  This means should one of the 20 booked members cancel their booking at least 30min before the session starts, the first waitlisted member will be able to attend in their place, so nobody misses out. This is why it is imperitive that you remove your booking if you cannot attend.
  • Please be courteous to other members and CANCEL if you cannot attend. Don’t just do a NO SHOW and waste a spot someone could have used!